Making News
Free Enterprise Works
- Economy
Innovation Drives Sheet Metal Company's Success
By Sean Hackbarth
- Small Business
Small Business Outlook: Rising Uncertainty is Causing ConcernCatch up on the latest data and what it means for the health of America's small businesses and the national economy.
By Thomas M. Sullivan
- Small Business
A Majority of Small Businesses Say Regulations Hinder Growth
By Thaddeus Swanek
Our Work
The Chamber regularly convenes industry leaders, local chambers, government officials, members of Congress, candidates, and others, to foster trust, enhance credibility and expertise, and promote partnerships and collaboration.
More Headlines
- Lawsuits
Why the U.S. Chamber is Fighting to Protect Amicus Filers
By Tara Morrissey
- Climate Change
Fires Lend Urgency to Passing Forest Management LegislationRecent wildfires are fueling urgency to pass forest management legislation that would update and improve interagency disaster coordination.
By Chuck Chaitovitz
- Economy
Why Business Is Thriving in North Texas
By Sean Ludwig
We believe in the power of business to improve society and create a brighter future for people, communities, and our country.
Major Initiatives
- The State of American BusinessChamber President and CEO Suzanne P. Clark called on policymakers to prioritize growth and opportunity for all Americans in communities across the U.S.Read More
- Brought to You by American BusinessAmerica’s businesses are working together – serving, innovating, and connecting – to deliver unforgettable moments and experiences during important moments throughout the year.Read More
- America Works InitiativeWe are calling on elected officials and the federal and state level to take immediate action to help address this national economic crisis.Read More
- Growing America's FutureCompetitive, pro-growth tax policy is essential to grow the economy, raise wages for workers, and improve the standard of living for all Americans.Read More
We Work for You
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is the world’s largest business organization and network. Our members range from small businesses and chambers of commerce across the country to startups in fast-growing industries, leading industry associations, and global corporations.
For all the businesses and associations we represent, we are the only organization that optimizes the relationship between government and business at scale, across the economy, and around the world.
Join the largest community of business leaders in the world. Together, we'll work for government policies that help you run and grow your business, eliminate bureaucratic barriers, and strengthen America’s economy. You'll also gain access to the latest intelligence on issues shaping the nation, premier events for entrepreneurs, and webinars, guides, and other resources to help you grow your business.
Upcoming Events
- EconomyTariffs, Trade and Other Economic TrendsFriday, March 1401:00 PM EDT - 02:00 PM EDTVirtualLearn More
- WorkforceTalent Forward: Advancing an Engaged, Agile, and Resilient WorkforceWednesday, March 26 - Thursday, March 2712:00 PM EDT - 05:30 PM EDTVirtualLearn More
- EnergyCritical Minerals SummitWednesday, April 0909:00 AM EDT - 12:00 PM EDT1615 H Street, NW, Washington, DC 20062Learn More
Trending Topics
- TechnologyInformation and news for businesses about the latest advances in technology.Read More
- WorkforceInformation on how businesses can adapt their workforce development and management strategies to deal with the changing labor market.Read More
- Supply ChainInformation and news about the latest developments in the global supply chain.Read More
Latest Content
The Progressive Policy Institute recently released a report on regulatory reforms for independent workers.
OSD A&S: DPA activities—two awards in coordination with HHS July 29th NTE $51M to Puritan Medical for swabs; July 30 $23.3M to Buxton Medical for pandemic rapid point of care infection detection. No call next week due to events in the Pentagon. Next meeting will be August 19th -- so mark schedules. Security clearance webinar was attended by over 600 small businesses and will most likely repeat that event later in the year and please let OSD know of any other key topics important to small busin
“This legislation strikes a sensible balance of maintaining vital income support during the pandemic while avoiding disincentives for returning to work. The U.S. Chamber commends Senators Collins, McSally, and Romney for their efforts on this pressing issue and urges Senate leaders to give this reasonable proposal bipartisan support.”
This week marks the 150th anniversary of the Copyright Office. Our VP of U.S. Policy at GIPC breaks down the office's impact over the years.
Nation’s largest advocacy group endorses more than a dozen bills; will score lawmakers on the measures Bills include proposals to close employment gaps, target federal support to disadvantaged communities, and improve educational opportunities for formerly incarcerated individuals
The National Audubon Society, The Pew Charitable Trusts, and the United States Chamber of Commerce issued the following statement today about the Great American Outdoors Act becoming law.
Poll shows minority-owned small businesses harder hit by pandemic.
More minority-owned businesses fear permanent closure, struggling to secure loans Belief that minority small businesses face greater challenges sees sharp increase
New survey from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation finds 40% of employers have offered additional childcare assistance, benefits, or accommodations in response to the effects of COVID-19